Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about The Shattered Dream of Communism - 1987 Words

Many people all over the world look for an outlet for which they can improve their quality of life. They strive to find the means of transforming their dreams into reality. Communism, to people everywhere, has offered the means for transforming the dream of economic equality into reality, throughout history. Communism, however, like various other political and economic movements in the history of man, has become just another shattered dream. Communism is a political and economic movement brought out to the public in the mid-nineteenth century. The communists main demand is the abolition of private property, which in turn will put an end to any present class system. This is undoubtedly the shortest and most significant way to†¦show more content†¦Their victory only comes from the union of the proletarians, which is helped by the improvement of communications created by the modern industry (Marx 46). There havent always been proletarians, though. They originated in the industrial revolution of England in the last half of the eighteenth century (Engels). The first industrial revolution began in Britain around 1750. It was during this time that many people turned to industry rather than farming to make a living (Wilkinson 70). Friedrich Engels often compared the average proletariat to a slave except one aspect. The slave is sold once and for all; the proletarian must sell himself daily and hourly (Engels). The opposite class of the proletariat was the bourgeois. This was considered the modern capitalist class. According to Marx and Engels they were the owners of the means of social production and employers of wage labor (34). The bourgeois, in other words, were the employers; the business men who sat around while their employees worked painstaking hours. Now the capitalists, who have always been the opposing party of the communists, was the political power. In the Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels state political power as merely the organ ized power of one class for oppressing another (61). As the industrial revolution went on and became an international revolution, more factories were built and the two classes of people emerged; the huge army of working-class people (orShow MoreRelatedAmerica, The Ideal Model Of The World1276 Words   |  6 Pagesnation holds. Furthermore, the rising American economy helped to support the undying belief of the â€Å"American Dream.† Upon entering the war in late 1941, The United States’ contribution to the war, in comparison to its allies, seemed small in a macro view of the overall results of World War II. Even though, the loss of 405,399 American soldiers over a four-year time span is heart shattered for a nation who entered the war late. 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